It's Day Three of our Week-Long Facetime Challenge! Keep going! God is building a spiritual momentum in your life!
Today's FaceTime Tip:
2 Samuel 6:14: "Daniel danced before the Lord with all his might." Living a life of extravagant worship before God sometimes draws us into forms of expression that can feel uncomfortable. We see in Scripture many examples of God's people who, enraptured in worship, gave God some kind of physical response. As we worship to a more exuberant song this morning, don't be afraid to get a little rowdy in your expression of love to God!
Song: God's Great Dance Floor with Chris Tomlin - Link Here
Each day this week we will be praying for our SELF, our SPHERE, and the NATIONS of the world.
SELF: Today, Pray the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9 over yourself (link here). Pray that God would..
- Be your Father
- Bring His Kingdom into your life today
- Provide for your needs
- Forgive you sins
- Help you forgive others
- Lead you not into temptation
- Protect you from evil
SPHERE: Let's continue to be praying for the people in our lives today.
First, pray the words and promises that you received yesterday pertaining to your immediate family.
Next, it's time to decide who your V-I-P person will be in prayer. Many Christians have a V-I-P in their life that they are praying for to know Christ. Ask God who in your life you can be praying for that doesn't walk with Jesus yet and spend some time praying for that person.
- Pray for the teams leaving All Peoples this summer that still need finances. Pray for the Brazil Team, the Mexico Team, and the Uganda Team. Ask God to provide on their behalf.
As we journey through the Bible this week we are going to be reading the book of James.
Read James 3 today. (James 3 - Click Here)
Answer these questions while you are reading:
- What does this passage teach me about God
- What does this teach me about myself and my world today?
- How do I need to obey this Scripture today?
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